Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How To Use Antibiotic Drugs

by Tofan Afandhi

Antibiotics are drugs antiinfection used to kill bacteria or germs. Term antibiotics= antimicrobe = antibacteria
Bacteria are small living creatures that can not be seen with the naked eye and can only be seen with a microscope. Shaped bacteria sphere where the sphere is called the core and the outside as patron. One of the drugs work the way antibiotics destroy protective part from outside germs.

Basically, every human being has been created by God with the perfect. One of which is given perfection defense system to fight germs cause disease. Examples are white blood cells. If there are bacteria that enter the human body in white blood cell will direct attempt to detect and destroy these bacteria. Strength of the white blood cell is supported with the introduction of nutrition into the body. When someone with a good nutrition, then he will be able to fight germs that enter the well, so stay healthy. Meanwhile, if someone ugly nutrition, germs that enter will win against the body's defense system. When this is the person requiring antibiotic drugs.

An example of antibiotic drugs that are often found amoxicillin. To note in the use of antibiotic drugs is:

1. Rules drinking.

- If the rules drink 3x a day, then have to be drunk every 8 hours, whereas if the rules drink 2x a day to drink every 12 hours. So antibiotic drugs should be drunk in time.

- Medicine antibiotics should be drunk up usually between 3-5 days. When the medicine is stopped drinking after 2 days and patients feel healthy, bacteria in the body is not fully dead. There are some bacteria that live and this gives the opportunity for the bacteria adapt to antibiotics used. This is what is feared. With adaptasinya bacteria cause the bacteria with antibiotic resistant akan / immune to the antibiotics that are used so that the same treatment with antibiotics will not be able to kill bacteria. Then required that drugs have a higher than working antibiotics before and with the possibility of a more expensive price.

Which cause treatment failure with a certain antibotik include:
• Counterfeit drugs
• Expired Drugs
• Incorrect drink rules
• Incorrect dose
• Incorrect selection of antibiotics drugs

2. Medication side effects of antibiotics:
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Allergies

When a patient is allergic to certain antibiotics and the use of antibiotics must be stopped immediately and consult a doctor.

For patients who should be among others:
1. Provide complete information about their palint to the doctor.
2. Understand the rules properly take the medicine given.
3. Ask about medication given to your doctor or pharmacist
4. Notify condition are pregnant or breastfeeding, and other diseases that have been suffered.

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