Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Integrated Solutions Stop Smoking

By Tofan Afandhi

Do you often have a smoker trying to quit smoking but never succeeded? However, not only you who have experienced it. Around 70% of smokers want to stop smoking is only 5% -10%, which really can stop smoking.

The smoking habit that is difficult to be abandoned because of the nature of nicotine adiktif. Need a strong intention to quit smoking. In addition to the support of the environment is necessary.

To make it easier to stop smoking therapy, PT. Pfizer launched the drug contains Varenicline, which is the active substance salt tartrat. Nature of this substance agonis partial and highly selective in reseptor, which can help reduce symptoms of craving (addiction) and dependence.

Known symptoms of withdrawal syndrome or drop out of substance to make the body experience some symptoms such as headaches, concentration difficulty, not even vibrant pulse charge because the body of nicotine. So varenicline can overcome the symptoms of these patients without creating addiction because varenicline is not a substitute for nicotine.

Compared to cocaine and morphine, nicotine is a component of addiction 5-10 times stronger, for it required a solution that intensive therapy integrated one with medical therapy.

Medical therapy with varenicline does not become the main way to stop smoking, but the intention and the nearest support is a very important role.


Two studies on the effectiveness of varenicline has been performed on more than 2000 smokers with varenicline 1mg twice daily compared with bupropion 150mg twice daily and plasebo. Varenicline four times more effective as an anti-smoking drug after 12 weeks treatment.

The results of clinical testing, varenicline generally safe and can be expressed well tolerated. Side effects of the most common are nausea, insomnia and headaches.

This product is intended for adults. varenicline is not recommended for ages under 18 years old, pregnant women and breastfeeding. The use of varenicline should be in accordance with the advice the doctor to know whether varenicline appropriate and safe for everyone who want to stop smoking.

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