Saturday, June 27, 2009

How to Overcome Motion Sickness

By Tofan Afandhi

When the holidays arrive, a tradition to spend time outside the city. For the people who always travel is not a problem. So how about people who motion sickness frequently exposed during travel? Of course it will be a problem.

Motion sickness occur if imbalance between the brain and the senses of vision toward a movement in the system vestibula in part on ear. In the children generally vulnerable toward motion sickness. Children more active rather than adults.

For that, need to be watchful for children who motion sickness frequently. Physical condition to be the key prevent motion sickness. Before traveling, it is recommended not to eat much and must drink water adequately.

Keep in mind, motion sickness does not have to be given drug motion sickness. Because feared going dependence on drugs. Therefore, alternative treatment required to prevent motion sickness. Following tips may be a consideration when children or adults in motion sickness:

* First, put towel soaked with cold water on the brow until conditions improved.
* Give a warm drink. Such, a drink containing ginger. If you find difficulty that also contain candied ginger. From the research that was done, the actual compound 6-gingerols in ginger and galanolactone able to prevent the occurrence of nausea and vomiting.
* When the symptoms of nausea and vomiting should provide enough space so that you get fresh air and arranged so that children or adults who motion sickness have not a lot of moving.
* Try sitting position with the travel direction. For children, parents can train to see landscape in the distance such as mountains or the rice field. Objects in the distance does not 'move' as soon as fast the object in the road edge, so it does not spin.
* Divert feeling nausea with the preferred listening to music. With so cheery and happy feelings can create a feeling of nausea replace existing.
* If motion sickness feeling weak as a result of dehydration and a decrease in blood pressure, the anti-nausea medication is absolutely necessary.
* Recommended to use a medicine, the drugs enter the Antihistamin Dimenhidrinat with the permitted dose for children 2-5 years old is 12.5-25 mg and for children 6-12 years old dose of 25-50 mg with maximum three times a days.

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