Saturday, June 27, 2009

Avoid Colon Cancer Tips

By Tofan Afandhi
Colon cancer is a serious threat that needs to be understood and known how to prevent. Can be done to maintain a balance with the body metabolism. Healthy eating pattern can be applied to prevent the dangerous disease.

If you have a bad eating patterns, among others, too much meat and fat, it is now with the balance eat fresh fruit and vegetables that contain lots of fiber. Iron over them were found in the bile pigment, beef and goat and blood transfusion.

Change with the consumption of many foods with fiber so smooth defecate and lower degree of acidity, fatty acid concentration, bile acid, and iron in the large intestine.

Consumption of omega-3 in fatty acid, there is lots of fish in particular, calcium, vitamins A, C, D, and E and betakarotin can also help maintain the health channel digested. Habitue for alcoholic beverages, especially beer, flee lose bad habits, because alcohol can change the intestine into asetilaldehida that increase the risk of suffering cancer colon.

According to the Consultant Hematologi of Medical Oncology from Medical Indonesian University, dr. Aru W Sudoyo, change the pattern of life that will better support the body's metabolism becomes more smooth and balanced. So that the body can make the process of detoxification smoothly.

In addition to health, mental health should also be kept. With rileks life, the body avoid stress. The body believed to be from the stress can be protected from various diseases including colon cancer.

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